DROC Athletes

Introducing the boys behind the golf sets.

  • Nikki


    We’ve heard Nikki being described as the sales man of the family, the one who can convince people to believe in whatever he’s selling. I’d say that’s pretty accurate.

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  • Dimond


    Dimond… AKA family cynic. Dimond is known for being blunt, and having that subtle style of humor like his dad. We could also call Dimond the Family favorite.

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  • Noa


    Hey it’s our favorite, Pokemon and Youtube fanatic! Noa is one of a kind, and easily the most handsome nine-year-old out there. He’s what I like to call Mr. Independent.

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  • Mica


    Mica is the most personable out of all of us. At only six years old he has social skills that even the most awkward of us wish we could pull off.

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Nikki Blog

Representing the Nikki Line: Junior Boys 11-14

We’ve heard Nikki being described as the sales man of the family, the one who can convince people to believe in whatever he’s selling. I’d say that’s pretty accurate. Once when he was doing a fundraiser for his baseball team, an overly generous neighbor gave him $150 straight up. We were all shocked at the notion, but Nikki handled it like a boss. He’s also self-acclaimed most attractive, and funniest out of all of us.

For all who come in contact with Nikki, or who are already familiar with the goof ball, know that he’s a fun kid, with hidden talents.


1. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Short, go getter, fantastic.

2. In your free time what are your favorite things to do?

Hang out with friends, and play sports.

3. If money wasn’t an object where would you choose to go and why?

Australia, so that I could swim with sharks on their costal reefs. Or, Japan so that I could meet the creator of Naruto. (Such a nerd)

4. What are your favorite games, or games you would recommend?

Destiny, or the latest Super Smash Bros.

5. If you could anyone to play you in the movie of your life who would you choose?

Will Smith

6. If you could sing any song at Karaoke night what would it be?

My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. (Trying to act like Chaz Michael Michales from the film Blades of Glory)

7. If you had a Caution sign what would it say?

CAUTION: If you’re inviting me out – You’re paying.

8. What would you eat for your last meal on Earth?

Homemade Ramen Noodles

9. Who would be at your last meal?

Me and the Prophet.

10. Who would win in an epic fight? Superman or Batman?

Superman of course!

Mica Blog

Representing the Mica Line: Junior Boys 3-6

Mica is the most personable out of all of us. At only six years old he has social skills that even the most awkward of us wish we could pull off. One thing about Mica is he loves riding bikes. We live across from a student housing complex next to a giant hill. During a recent summer on an sunny day, Mica was atop that hill with one of our many bikes ready to conquer it. The goal was to clear the hill with no hands. At the bottom of the hill were his college friends from across the street chanting, ” Mica! Mica!” repeatedly. Well you better believe that conquered that hill with no hands. Maybe this summer he can add a wheelie to the stunt.

  1. If you could live anywhere where it would be?

New York, so that I could go inside the Statue of Liberty?  

  1. What makes you laugh the most?

I don’t really know…

  1. Would you rather ride a bike, ride a horse, or drive a car?

Ride a bike, so I could do tricks and stuff. (He’s actually really good at riding bikes)  

  1. Have you ever had nickname? What is it?


  1. What you do if you won the lottery?

Buy a hover board.. They’re real.  

  1. What do you want to  be when you grow up?

An FBI agent.

  1. Where would you like to go on vacation?

Canada. So I can play on the swing at the lake.  

  1. What’s your favorite Holiday? Thanksgiving, because we get to eat turkey and lots of other stuff!


  1. If you could have any super power(s) what would they be?
  •           The powers of fire and ice.
  •           Electricty
  •           Turn into a tornado
  1. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?

Ice cream Sundae Poptarts

Dimond Blog

Representing the Dimond Line: Junior Boys 9-12

Dimond Hepworth… AKA family cynic. Dimond is known for being blunt, and having that subtle style of humor like his dad. We could also call Dimond the Family favorite. He’s pretty much not hated by anyone, at least in the family. Dimond is a hard worker, and aims to be accurate, and detailed in the work he produces. This kid loves Mexican food like none other. Every time he’s assigned to make dinner, without fail, taco, or Mexican something ALWAYS. Take a look into some interesting answers Dimond provided in his interview.

  1. If you could describe describe yourself in four words what would it be?


  1. What is your biggest fear?

Being alone for the rest of my life.  

  1. If you could choose to do anything for one day what it be?

Go skydiving with chainsaws.  

  1. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island?

The prettiest girl I know.  

  1. Who would you choose to play you in the movie of your life?

A tall Mark Wahlberg  

  1. What is the worst gift you’ve ever received?

Underwear and clothes.  

  1. What’s your favorite fast food place?

Taco Bell  

  1. Which of your five senses would you say is your strongest?

My sense of taste.  

  1. What’s your favorite movie?

Spongebob Square Pants The Movie  

  1. If you could sing any song at Karaoke what would it be?

White and Nerdy by Weird Al.

Noa Blogpage

Representing the Noa Line: Junior Boys 6-10

 Hey it’s our favorite, Pokemon and Youtube fanatic! Noa is one of a kind, and easily the most handsome nine-year-old out there. He’s what I like to call Mr. Independent. We suffer from chronic lateness in our family, but not this kid, he’s always ready to go. Noa loves his sister Charity. I think if we were all falling off a cliff, and he could save but one of us, this kid would save  his sister Charity. Let’s not forget about Noa’s amazing singing voice! He can memorize just about any song in minutes. Hope he actually starts writing some soon.

  1. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Cool…Handsome….Energetic (I run fast)


  1. What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
  •  Play video games.
  • Make up my own games and play with them with my little sister, and cousin. I made up a game called “Present Day.” (It’s pretty much a Christmas Day reenactment.
  • Play on the trampoline.


  1. If you were a superhero what powers would you have?
  • Freezing powers
  • Wings – The power to fly
  • Turning into a tornado
  • The power to stretch
  • The power to morph into animals
  1. Favorite Candy Bar:

Hersheys Cookies and Cream


  1. Most watched television show(s):
  • Pokemon
  • Spongebob
  • Teen Titans Go
  1. Favorite Sport(s):
  • Tennis
  • Soccer
  1. If you could choose a song to sing at Karaoke night what would it be?

Hit Me Baby One More Time – Brittney Spears


  1. What was the best vacation you’ve been on, and why?

To Canada. We got to go swimming on the lake with a floating trampoline. We also went              tubing. It was fun!


  1. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
  • Salad
  • Lima Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Green Beans
  • Peas… Ew
  1. What makes you laugh the most?


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